Heathen Strike over Brno V
9. – 11. February 2024 At 14:00První Patro, Brno
Pre-sale is now over.
Heathen Strike over Brno V 2024
09.02.2024 + 10.02.2024 at Patro & Pivovarský dům Poupě!
Dominikánská 342, 602 00 Brno-střed, Czech Republic
-- 09.02. Friday - 15:00 doors --
Wasteland Stage (Pivovarský dům Poupě)
Forest stage (První Patro):
-- 10.02. Saturday - 14:00 doors --
Forest stage (Pivovarský dům Poupě):
Wasteland stage (První Patro):
Early birds sold-out.
Regular ticket 1.990Kč at www.smsticket.cz (available until 08.02.2024)
Weekend ticket at the doors 2.300Kč / 95€
Friday ticket 1.200Kč / 50€ (only available at the door)
Saturday ticket 1.300Kč / 55€ (only available at the door)
Weekend ticket at the doors 2.300Kč / 95€
Friday ticket 1.200Kč / 50€ (only available at the door at the day of the show)
Saturday ticket 1.300Kč / 55€ (only available at the door at the day of the show)
Heathen Strike over Brno VI. - 21. February od 15:00 – 22.2., První Patro, Brno
Grima - Brno - 11. May od 17:30, NOVÁ Melodka, Brno
Grima - Praha - 15. May od 19:00, Vagon Klub, Praha