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Innersphere | Welicoruss | Aether | Soul Massacre | Ostrava
CONCERT / Music – Metal

Innersphere | Welicoruss | Aether | Soul Massacre | Ostrava

Saturday 7.9.2024 At 18:30
BARRÁK music club, Ostrava



INNERSPHERE [melodic death metal, Plzeň]
WELICORUSS [epic melodic black metal, CZ/Siberia]
AETHER [epic melodic death metal, Polsko]
SOUL MASSACRE [deathmetal, Ostrava]

Performing artists

Innersphere (CZ) – web / fb / bandzone / insta / youtube / Spotify WelicoRuss (RU) – fb / soundcloud / bandzone / bandcamp / insta / youtube / Spotify Aether (PL) – fb / bandcamp / insta / youtube / Spotify Soul Massacre (CZ) – web / fb / bandzone / bandcamp / insta / youtube / Spotify

Other events with the performer

Welicoruss + Innersphere + Apathy Again | Opava - 15.3.2024 od 19:00, Klub Art, Opava

Other events by the organizer

Welicoruss + Innersphere + Apathy Again | Opava - 15.3.2024 od 19:00, Klub Art, Opava